- musical chairs(with only two people so u can imagine how retarded we looked)
- took the handicap lift up and down(that took up alot of tym cause it was reaaaaaaaly slow.believe me.SLOW)
- went to the arcade to disturb people-.-and she banged joshua sisterXD
anyway there were many udder things but i forgot
plus my voice sounds differnt from laughing too much.so i BLAME IT ON YOU SHERMONG
to shiying: YOURE A SUCKY LIFEGUARD anddd i didnt really think youd actually boither looking at my blog
just came home
man life sucks..
dunno what to say luh
GOT REDISH HAIR EXTENTIONS!!!! gahhhhhhhhhhh betcha think theyre awesome! hhaha

anyway there is this soccer tournament going on upstars so i just saw andre and andre and destin walkimg past..shit embarassing-.- urgh hate these kinda thiimgs. i swear im leaving my house now
my brother is calling me a retard cause im smilimg at the computer
ANW YESTERDAY i played with jens aunty,jen and sherms
SO A LOT OF RETARDED THINGS HAPPENED.youve gotta ask me to tell you for the full effect!whahaahh
well this sums most of it up even if you probably dun understand :D
her aunt makes funny noises so whenever she misses her putt she either runs towords her ball screaming ir like going aiyoo aiyoo so i loook at shermin and we start laughing again. so the whole game was like. hit,laugh,hit,luagh,laugh,cant stop
saw this reallllllyyyy fat uncle(awesomely humongous i mean) his pants was like halfway down his ass so he squatted down and we saw him halfway so obviously we burst up laughing again
THEN there was this hole where like this uncle from anotha flight was standing in the midlle of the fairway.so me and shermin saw him "waving at us"s(okay this part is too complicating ask me if you wanna hear bout it!hehhhhhh which you obviously have to cause i swear its reallllly funny!hahahahahahahahahha)ahhh
her aunt is awesome(in a funny and entertaining way)
HAH so anw so we were in the changing room and planned to like come out of the bathroom with our towels only and wearing like those COCK SHOES(WOODEN CLOGS) hahaa
oh and today i played anotha game with shermon ahrgh it wasnt as funny as yesterday but it was still funny especially the time we decided to communicate only with our hand gestures and the person who talks has to like do the swirly thing we made up :D
anw really upset and seriously disturbed right now cause im seriously confused
on the bright side:
-going out with shi shu and nah tomoro
-ryans gonna get me my meiji balls!!haha pink one okay!
-ive got the 2nd and 3rd book for gossip girl
bad things keep piling up and one of them is that im so freaking burt so my face is red-.- man.. LIfe cant get any worst than this.
As promised, here i am to update your blog, Phoebe =)
So be nice to me and get me ANYTHING, except for those three things i said last night.
Especially, no meiji balls. Haha, you'll just eat them before you give it to me XP
and happy birthday to Shermaine(?) whose birthday is on nov 9.
Oooh, you like wavy hair? Remember the one we saw on the mrt? the one with the sunglasses and all. HAHA, i bet he's more awesome than your Zac Efron ah.
Zac Efrons hair flipping is like so CHEESY uh. Haha and girls like you(Phoebenicoletan especially), will somehow fall for all that CHEESY-NESS. tsk tsk.
Kay didn't know what else to write so i wrote this..
I want to stare into your eyes
and never look away;
I want you to hold me in your arms
and tell me it's okay;
I want to kiss with a passion
that only we can share,
and when it all falls down
I want you to be there.
*Oh, i told you the salt& pepper outfit was super cheesy!

the road was realy dark hehee

and we actually went up the bus like that woah so u can imagine the attention we received XDD
id say more but im real tired